Eyrian Timelines (4 review)

Time is a fickle beast. It moves, too fast, too slow, always unrelentingly against the wills of mortal beings. It flees our grasp and eludes our memory. However, Time is essential to understand the wider scope of things. Every culture in Eyria group their years and seasons differently, using different time-marks and events as reference. However, there are some basic similarities between all calendars. Yet, do keep in mind that Time does not wait for mortals… The older the events, the more inaccurate the records are; often prone to exaggeration and shifting of dates and duration of events. Discrepancies have been found by many a scholar, unlike correcter ways to alter them.

The Similarities:

The concepts of weekday, week, month and year are shared by all calendars, not always interchangeably. While the definition (and length) of a month and a week can vary widely (following different lunar phases, the sun’s movement), the duration of year and day are kept all the same. A day’s duration is easier to explain: the time between two consecutive sunrises, be it in Southern Valara or in the Northernmost peaks of Narkarn. Now, why do the year’s duration also match was an intriguing question, one that required a mathematical approach. After close observation, all cultures do use astronomical movement to record and catalog time events. It was postulated that, if it is considered that the universe is located within a closed semi-sphere, the 360 days that comprise a year will match the inner degrees of a circle. Slygonian mathematicians boasted proudly for having produced this theorem, albeit Tremanathi scientists had been applying the principle many years before, as exemplified by their complex astronomical calculations used for deep sea localization.

Slygonian time is divided in “Paradigms”. A Paradigm speaks from the Slygonian religion of the Gods casting to the mortal men challenges that they must overcome and, for that, need to elevate themselves and change the way they view the world. The last Paradigm change, from the sixth to the seventh, was the formation of the Slygonian League of Cities, during the The Twelve-Year Occupation. The actual year the seventh paradigm was named onward was reason of some dispute, as scholars have different time points for what was considered the first true action as a Slygonian nation: was it the first meeting? Was it the the first meeting with the complete city’states? Was it the first battle under with an unified banner? As a result, this period is a bit blurry and it may well be that the twelve years that name the event weren’t even twelve, but eight or fifteen, twenty. To avoid further disputes, the seventh Paradigm came into effect with the passing away of Faero Domagaro, the Migarian politician who was the mastermind behind the League of Cities.

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Narkarian time recording honors one of their proudest values: their Royal process. Time follows each reigning dynasty, and when/if a new family ascends to the thrones, time is reset and everything goes back to the first year. This makes it thoroughly complicated because, naturally, power doesn’t always change hands on the same dates, so it is common to mention the season in which the new year has started. As an example, the current king Olyvanh Eddadotir III‘s ruling family came to power during Autumn, marking that year as the First year of the Eddadotir dynasty of Winter. And yes, if a family retakes its seat of power (abundantly frequent in the early years), the name would change to Second dynasty, Third dynasty….

Being master astronomers, the Hrulgatharian have a (excessively) complex calendar layered in five levels: DaysYears, Aspects, Creators, and Cycles.
A year is comprised by 4 seasons: Seeding, Rain, Crops, and Sacrifice. Albeit not all have the same length, they represent the core moments in Hrulgatharian culture. The passing of all 4 seasons represents the end of a year, which lasts 360 days.
There are four aspects, to honor the life of a god: Arise (from the cosmic Nothingness), Might (demonstrated in their quests and labors), Gift (to Mankind), and Purpose (the return to Null Entropy). Each aspect lasts seven years.
A total of twenty three Creators match the same number of equal number of main Gods in the pantheon. Each turn represents a Cycle of Life, of which there are three: Breathe (Life), Growth, and Fading (Death).

it is widely accepted that the most accurate and immutable calendar in Eyria is the Maedweni one. Their world was uprooted and destroyed when the evil Desert Gods arrived, and destroyed their homeland from a lush paradise into a desert wasteland. Mattes would become worse when they would again be cast out to the desert to wither and die by the Kaichin refugees. The capitulation of the Maedwen’s last bastion Myrath marked the end of their rule over Dunakor and the start of a new calendar, held by the Kaichin, It is an information coveted by many, by the Maedwen keep it sealed in their minds and in their humiliated hearts. The best guess a Dokukrian scribe has ever shared in public was that it was in fact the year 8256, and not the current 5227. The date was met with emotionless Maedweni eyes, and the ridicule that ensued by his can attested peers to how educated that guess is considered.

Vorfon Kafi:
Vorfon have a very simple approach to their calendars: they count the time they are free from any foreign suppression. To exemplify: when Vorfon Kafi became again an independent nation by imperial decree from Masami III of the Tiger House of Yumeko, the sixty-seventh (67th) year of the thirty-eightieth (38th) Occupied Years gave way to the first (1st) year of the thirty-ninth (39th) Unbound Years. There is very limited information on how the very first Vorfon Kafi domain came to be, yet that matters not to most of the Vorfon. Scholars, mainly Tremanathi, call that period the Buried Years.

Cover picture: https://primperfect.net/2012/04/30/fantasy-faire-2012-day-9-shifting-sands/

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